How I Found the Rosicrucian Teachings


IT ALL started about seven years ago when I found myself in Madrid, Spain for my summer vacation visiting my mother and sister who live there. One morning the daughter of my mother's closest friend (Rosa), with whom my sister and I had shared many adolescent years together, came to visit. We were both very pleased to see each other after many years of separation.

I don't know how, but all of a sudden, there we were, talking about life after death and the many things she had learned and experienced since she had become a member of the Rosicrucian Fellowship. She was the happiest I had ever seen her and, although I knew very little about the Rosicrucians, I was impressed and somewhat shocked to see that I shared her same enthusiasm and eagerness to learn about the esoteric side of life's mystery.

When I returned to the United States, I began searching for Rosicrucian books to learn more about their past and present history, but I was not very successful in finding them in our "conventional" bookstores. By the time I had finally given up looking, my sister called me to inform me that she had purchased two texts of the Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers by Max Heindel (in Spanish) that appeared to answer many of the questions that I had so long been asking. I was filled with joy and anticipation! Since then, my sister has become my Rosicrucian book provider and supporter with The Cosmo-Conception, Simplified Scientific Astrology, The Message of the Stars, and many more. But there was one big problem: these books were from the 1920's, and I had no way of knowing if everything taught by Max Heindel in these books was still practiced today

One night while reading, I saw in the back of The Cosmo-Conception that there was an address for the Rosicrucian Fellowship in Oceanside, California. I couldn't believe my eyes! I had lived all this time only forty minutes away from the International Headquarters in Oceanside, and my poor sister had been sending these books across the Atlantic Ocean for two years!

Needless to say, soon thereafter I made a "special" trip to Oceanside to appease my curiosity, and I was very pleased to see "Mount Ecclesia" still standing and in operation. As you can guess, my first stop was the bookstore and information center, where an extremely patient and soft-spoken lady answered all my questions. After enrolling in all the correspondence courses, subscribing to the Rays, and purchasing several books, I left filled with happiness and satisfaction.

I know today that Rosa's visit was not accidental, nor were the events that took place later that aroused my curiosity and led to my subsequent discovery of the Rosicrucian Fellowship Headquarters in Oceanside. One phrase comes to mind when I think about my personal quest for enlightenment: "Those who seek shall find."


--Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, September/October, 1995




Rosicrucian Fellowship - Purposes, Aims, and Activities



The Rosicrucian Fellowship is a Christian organization composed of men and women who are students of the Rosicrucian Philosophy as presented in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. This philosophy is known as the Western Wisdom Teaching and establishes a meeting-ground for science and religion. Its students are located throughout the world; but their International Headquarters is located at Oceanside, California, USA.


The Rosicrucian Fellowship has no connection with any other organization. It was launched during the late summer and autumn of 1909, after a course of lectures in Seattle by Mr. Max Heindel. A study center was formed and the Headquarters were temporarily located in that city. Arrangements were also made for publishing The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. With the issue of this work by the Rosicrucian Fellowship, the Association was definitely started.

The General Work of
The Rosicrucian Fellowship


The work of the Fellowship is to preach the gospel (of the coming Aquarian Age) and heal the sick. This is achieved by making the Western Wisdom Teaching available to all who are ready to receive it and by conducting a Healing Department which emphasizes spiritual healing along with principles of right living. The work of the Fellowship is done through the efforts of its entire membership assisted by Headquarters. Many friends in the world work through Centers which hold classes in the Philosophy and in spiritual astrology, the study and teaching of which is an integral part of the work of the Fellowship.


 The Rosicrucian Fellowship

P.O.Box 713, Oceanside, California 92049-0713 U.S.A.

2222 Mission Avenue Oceanside, CA 92054 U.S.A.

Telephone: (760) 757-6600

Fax: (760) 721-3806




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